Thomas A. Alkins, age, mid 20's
Polly Arnold, wife, 22
In 1802 carried on saddling business wilt Clark Beebe, probably in the vicinity of the west corner of the north side of Centre Square near Centre Street.
Thomas died in early 1809, leaving young sons Hart born about 1806and Lloyd, born about 1803. Polly re-married to Job Gibbs in 1810.
William Askam, age 37
Wife Alice Maria, 34
Children include Maria, age 2
Born in England, Askam was a tailor who lived on the west side of Main Street between Centre Square and Union.
Timothy Beebe, age 32
Sarah Loverage, wife
Children include Harry, 4
Born East Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut , Timothy was a shoemaker.
Clark Beebe, age 32
Clorinda, wife
(mail carrier, saddler)
Born East Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut , Clark Beebe was a saddler. His wife was Clorinda. His brothers Timothy, Gideon and Lyman and their families also lived in Wilkes-Barre at this time.
Beebe was also a mail carrier. He also advertized that he would "during the winter keep sleighs and horses and carry passengers to and from Easton; leaving Wilkes-Barre every Wednesday."
In 1802 Beebe partnered with Thomas A. Alkins to "carry on the Saddlery Business in Wilkesbarre, under the Firm of Alkins & Beebe. They solicit the patronage of their friends and the public and will dispatch Good work for prompt pay."
In 1808 he offered his property for sale and eventually moved to Green County, Illinois:
"To Be Sold: By private sale, a certain two story house, 45 by 20 ft. a good barn and lot of ground in the Borough of Wilkesbarre, being as per Certificate, part of Lot No. 20, containing 57 2-10 perches bounded by the centre square and centre street and by the lands of Isaac Carpenter and the other part of said lot No. 20, with the privilege of a well and pump of excellent water near the house, the greater part of the buildings are entirely new and suitable to carry on any kind of pubic business being only a few rods from the Court House. An indisputable title will be given and the terms of sale made known by, Clark Beebe. There are 10 apple and 2 cherry trees of excellent fruit on the premises".
Samuel Bowman, 46
Eleanor Ledlie, wife
Born at Lexington, Massachusetts Samuel Bowman came to Wyoming in the latter part of 1786 and settled on a tract of land just northeast of the Village of Wilkes-Barre
He was one of the minute-men on Lexington Common, April 17, 1775, when they were fired upon by the British troops and served in the Revolution.
After the war returned to his home at Lexington, where he remained until the latter part of 1786, when he removed to Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, and settled on a tract of land just northeast of the Village of Wilkes-Barre, which bears the name of Bowman's Hill. Near the northeast corner of this plot, on the northwesterly side of Main Street, about four hundred and thirty feet from North Street, Lieutenant Bowman erected a modest frame house for his occupancy,
In November, 1787, he brought his bride, Eleanor Ledlie, daughter of William and Elizabeth Ledlie, of Philadelphia.
A few years later Lieutenant Bowman became the owner of some five hundred acres of land lying near his home lot-chiefly on the easterly side of Main Street-and in 1810 or 1811 he built a new dwelling house on his home lot, some two hundred feet nearer North Street than his original house stood.In 1794, during tthe "Whiskey Insurrection," Samuel Bowman raised a company of light infantry at Wilkes-Barre, and marched thence in command of the same, about October 1st, to join the corps of Pennsylvania militia which had been organized and ordered into service by direction of the Governor of the Commonwealth to quell the "Insurrection.' The "Insurrection" having been quelled and order restored, Captain Bowman and his company returned to their homes early in December, 1794.January 25, 1799, Samuel Bowman was commissioned by President Adams a Captain in the Provisional Army of the United States, and immediately he set about enlisting recruits and organizing a company to be attached to "Maj. John Adlum's battalion of the 11th Regiment of Infantry."In July, 1799, Captain Bowman was ordered to march his company to Union Camp, New Jersey, where it was attached-as the 3d Company to the 11th Regiment, U. S. Infantry, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Ogden, of Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Captain Bowman and his company remained in camp in New Jersey until September, 1800, when, satisfactory arrangements having been made with France, the Provisional Army was disbanded. During the last two months of his military service Capt. Bowman was detached from his company and served as an aide on the staff of General Hamilton, who, on the death of General Washington in December. 1799, had succeeded to the command in chief. General Hamilton was at that time President of the Society of the Cincinnati, and, Capt. Bowman being a member of the Society, a close friendship sprang up between the two officers, which ended only with the untimely death of Hamilton in 1804.Captain Bowman returned to his home and family at Wilkes-Barre September, 1800, and from that time forward until the day of his death he lived quietly on his farm on North Main Street, except from 1807 until the latter part of 1811, when he occupied a small farm which he owned south of the borough of Wilkes-Barre. During this period he built his new home on North Main Street, and to it he removed in the latter part of 1811. There he died June 25, 1818.Capt. Samuel and Eleanor (Ledlie) Bowman were the parents of nine children, six of whom grew to maturity; and of these, two became prominent- one in the Church and the other in the Army.
Isaac Bowman, age 27
(tanner, currier)
Born at New Braintree, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Isaac Bowman in November 1795 at age 22 was invited to come to Wilkes-Barre by his uncles Samuel Bowman and Ebenezer Bowman. While considering potential occupations he recognized the need of a tanning and currying establishment in the area which he established and operated at the northwest corner of North and Main Streets, on a portion of the "home-lot" 'of his uncle, Capt. Samuel Bowman.
He took especial interest in military matters and he began his military experience in July, 1798, as a non-commissioned officer in the " Wyoming Blues," Capt. Ebenezer Slocum commanding. In October, 1798, he became Second Lieutenant, and in this position served for some time. Bowman was initiated into Lodge 61 June 1, 1801.
In April 1806 he Polly Smith, of Weathersfield, Conn, both of this town, in this town, on Wednesday evening last, by William Ross, Esq.
In 1806 he was elected First Lieutenant of the " Blues," In 1807 Lieutenant Bowman became Captain of the " Blues," September 5th, 1814, he was elected Colonel of the 45th Regiment Pennsylvania Militia. This regiment became in 1815 the 2d Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, and was commanded by Colonel Bowman until 1821, in June of which year he was elected Brigadier General of the 2d Brigade, 8th Division, Pennsylvania Militia, which position he held till 1828. In that year he was elected Brigade Inspector of the same Brigade, for seven years. This was his last military service. In May, 1810, he was elected a member of the Wilkes- Barre Borough Council. In the Summer of 1810 a branch of the Philadelphia Bank was established at Wilkes-Barre and Isaac Bowman was one of the sixteen directors appointed to conduct the affairs of the bank. November 14th, 1810, Bowman was commissioned by Governor Snyder Coroner of Luzerne county for the term of three years. In 1814 he was appointed Collector of Taxes for Wilkes-Barre. October 19th, 1819, he was commissioned by Governor Findlay Sheriff of Luzerne county for three years. He was appointed by Governor Wolf Recorder of Deeds and Register of Wills of Luzerne county, for a term of three years, February 17th, 1830; he was re-appointed for a second term January 21st, 1833 ; and by Governor Porter for a third term February 3d, 1839.
He died at Wilkes-Barre July 30, 1850, and was survived by his wife, three sons and one daughter.
Ebenezer Bowman, Esq., age 42
Ester Ann Watson, wife 22
Children include Caroline, 3; James, 1
Born at Lexington, Massachusetts, youngest brother of Capt. Samuel Bowman, Ebenezer Bowman was a prominent and successful attorney, the first admitted to practice before the Luzerne County courts in 1887
At eighteen years old he had taken part in the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. Afterwards he attended Harvard College graduating in 1782. He taught school in Cambridge, then studied law at Easton and was admitted to the Bar of Massachusetts. In the latter part of 1785, or early in 1786, he moved to Philadelphia and then settled at Wilkes-Barre, the county-seat of the new county of Luzerne.
In May, 1788, he was elected Cornet of a "Troop of Light Dragoons" organized at Wilkes-Barre and commanded by Capt. John Paul Schott.
He represented Luzerne county in the legislature of the state in 1793.
His wife was Esther Ann Watson, born in Ireland, who he married in New York in 1796.
Gen. Lord Butler, age 38
Mary Pierce, wife, 33
Children include Pierce, 11, Houghton, 9; Sylvania, 6; John L., 4; Chester, 2
(Postmaster, storekeeper, Brigadier General, State Senator candidate)
Born Lyme, New London, Connecticut, Lord was the eldest son of Zebulon Butler and Anna Lord, was one of the most active public men in Luzerne county.
His wife was Mary Pierce, a daughter of Abel Pierce, Esq., one of the earliest Wyoming settlers. In October, 1778, Butler, only seventeen years old, was appointed Deputy Quartermaster General at the Wyoming Post. After the war he held various offices in the state militia. In the Fall of 1798 he was Captain of the " Luzerne Company of Light Horse." In April, 1799, he was appointed by the Governor Brigadier General. He was the first Sheriff of Luzerne county, and from November, 1789, to December, 1790, was a member of the State Executive Council. He also held the offices of Register, Recorder, and Prothonotary of Luzerne county, resigning in early 1800. At that time he was Postmaster of Wilkes-Barre and had a store at his home across from the ferry landing on Bank street (now River) at Northampton. In September 1800 he was recommended by Republicans as candidate for State Senator and in 1801 he was chosen a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly,
In October 1803 he ran for County Commissioner but lost to Ezekiel Hyde. In February 1804 he was appointed one of the Managers for the Easton and Wilkes-Barre Turnpike Road to serve one year. In May 1806 he was elected to first town council and in May 1807 was one of the first trustees to the Wilkes-Barre Academy. In October 1807 he ran for sheriff, but lost to Dana. In January 1808 was President of Town Council. From May, 1811, to May, 1814, he was Burgess of the Borough of Wilkes-Barre. He died unexpectedly at Wilkes-Barre in 1824 age 63 and Mary died October 28, 1834.
Phebe Haight Butler, age 42
Children: Lydia, 16; Martha, Steuben, 9
Born Brinkerhoff, Dutchess County, New York, Phebe Butler, daughter of Joseph Haight and Hannah Wright, was the widow of Col. Zebulon Butler who she married about 1881. She was his third wife.
Zebulon Butler, age 27,
Jemima Fish, 25, Wife
Children include infant son Burton
(farmer, storekeeper)
Born in Wilkes-Barre, Zebulon Johnson Butler, a farmer and storekeeper, was the son of Col. Zebulon Butler and Lydia Johnson, and grandson of the Rev. Jacob Johnson. His mother died of typhus fever was very young. His wife of two years was Jemima Fish, age 25, daughter of Jabez Fish. The Butler store was across from the ferry landing and located near the south east corner of Bank (now River) and Northampton streets.
In 1806, Zebulon was appointed County Treasurer in place of Lord Butler and in May 1809 was elected Burgess of Wilkes-Barre. He was also (1810) captain of the Wyoming Blues.
He died in 1817, age 41, leaving a wife and nine children. Jemima died 1819.
Putnam Catlin, 36
Polly Sutton, wife, 30
Eli Catlin, father, 66
Born in Litchfield, Connecticut, Putnam Catlin. After serving in the Revolutionary War, Putnam returned to Litchfield to study law. Then he moved to Wilkes-Barre in 1789 (age 25) to begin his practice.
Putnam Catlin married Mary "Polly" Sutton in 1789. Polly was born on September 30, 1770. Her parents were early settlers in Pennsylvania's Wyoming Valley. San was frontier artist George Catlin.
In consequence of failing health, a result of arduous services at the bar, Mr. Catlin removed with his family from Wilkes-Barre, about 1800, to a farm in Onaquagua valley, now Windsor,Broome county, N. Y., about fifty miles from this city. Here he lived until 1808, when he sold his farm and bought one at Hopbottom. In 18 13 the Hopbottom post office was established, with Putnam Catlin as postmaster. Here he remained until 18 18, when he removed to Montrose, Pa. After residing until 1821 at Montrose, he removed to a farm at Great Bend, Pa., where he died in 1842. Mrs. Catlin died at Delta, Oneida county, N. Y., July 15, 1844.
Hugh Connor, 56
Margaret Strong, wife, 55
Children include John, Hugh, Cornelius, Peter, Margaret
Born in Ireland, Hugh Conner came to Wilkes-Barre from Poughkeepsie, New York. He was a carpenter. In 1788 he built the benches for the first courthouse.
Arnold Colt, Esq., age 40
Lucinda Yarrington, wife, 31
Children include Temperance, 10, Julia, 4, Harris, abt 3, Henry, abt, 1; Mary
Born in Lyme, Connecticut, Arnold Colt, the sheriff, was a son of Capt. Harris Colt and Elizabeth Turner.Learning the trade of a blacksmith and of a general worker in iron, he came to Wyoming in 1786 emigrated from Connecticut to the Valley. In 1788 he married Lucinda Yarrington, daughter of Abel Yarrington.
In 1790 Arnold Colt chosen town clerk and also was appointed collector of excise for Luzerne County, and in 1791 he was reappointed, and in the same year was appointed justice of the peace for Wilkes-Barre township.He served as ensign in the company of infantry commanded by Captain Samuel Bowman, which was sent into western Pennsylvania in 1794 to assist in quelling the whiskey insurrection.In 1795 he moved with his family to Tioga Point, Luzerne county, now Athens, Bradford county. While residing there in 1798 he was elected sheriff of Luzerne county, and soon thereafter removed to Wilkes-Barre.In 1799 he was United States assessor for Luzerne county.
Matthew Covell, Esq., age 38
Aurelia Tuttle, 36
Children Robert, 13; Edward, 8; Lyman, 5; Miles, 2
(physician, justice of peace)
Born Glastonbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, Matthew Covell , a physician, came to Wilkes-Barre about 1786, age 24. He was the son of James Covell and Margaret Finley. His wife was Aurelia Tuttle, daughter of Stephen Tuttle, Sr. and Lydia Lyman of Wilkes-Barre. In May of 1792 he purchased the south half of lot 31 located on the east side of Main street between Northampton street and Centre Square, where he built his home and raised his family.
In April 1799 he was appointed Justice of the Peace buy the Governor.
Benjamin Drake, 22
Susan Wright, 18
Born Mendham, Morris County, New Jersey, Benjamin Drake in 1800 had his home and blacksmith shop on the east side of Main street between Union street and Centre Square. He was newly married to Susan Wright, the eldest child of William and Sarah A. Wright.
Thomas Duane, age 41
Hannah Gore, age 49
Children include Henry, 11; Harriet, 8; Timothy, 8; Clarissa Pierce, 26
Thomas Duane, of Kingston, moved to Wilkes-Barre in the fall of 1793 when he purchased from Jonathan Hancock a house and stable and a smith's shop located on the north side of Centre, or Public Square, and about halfway between Main and Centre streets. Occupied as a tavern and store. Also, a partially completed frame building at the corner of North Main street and the Square. When the new building was completed at the Main street corner he let it to Jonathan Hancock. Duane moved to Oswego, New York and opened a store. Duane sold the entire property in 1804/5 to Isaac Carpenter and in 1804 or '5, and Jonathan Hancock moved and established himself as an innkeeper elsewhere.
Duane was appointed a Justice of the Peace in June of 1800. His wife was Hannah Gore, age 49, Obadiah Gore's daughter and widow of Timothy Pierce who was killed in the massacre at Wyoming. The Duane's had two sons, Henry, age 11, and Timothy, 8 and a daughter Harriet as well as Clarissa Pierce, 26, Hannah's daughter from her first marriage.
By 1805 Duane and his family moved out of Wilkes-Barre, eventually to Oswego, New York, where he opened a store.
John F Dupuy, 50
Jane Dugue, 40
Children Amelia M., Palmyra E.; Palmyra E, Louisa Catharine; and John Francis
Born in Bordeaux, France, John Francis Dupuy (Jean Francoise Dupuy) came to Wilkes-Barre in 1795 to begin a new life after fleeing St. Domingo during the slave insurrection of 1791, losing the bulk of his large estate and most of his valuables. Temporarily residing in Philadelphia, after he received some compensation through the French government after the independence of Haiti was established, Dupuy bought three tracts of land in Luzerne county, at Plymouth, Brookfield and Hemfield and lived in Nicholson for a period which he farmed
His wife was Jane (Jeanne) Elizabeth Dugue, a Huguenot.
Dupuy and his family lived on Northampton street at the northeast corner of present Franklin street.
Jacob Ely
Children Jane, 20; John, 17; Thomas, James, George, Nancy, 8; Elizabeth, 12
Jacob Ely, a farmer, was widowed. His wife was Elizabeth Stewart who he married at Philadelphia in April 1776.
Judge Jesse Fell, age 49
Hannah Welding, wife, 46
Children include Frances, 23; George, 21; Sarah, 19; Deborah, 17; Samuel 12; Abi, 8; and Nancy, 6
(Associate Judge, Inn Keeper, former sheriff)
Born Buckingham, Bucks County, Jesse was the son of Thomas Fell and Jane Cook.
Married in 1775, Fell moved to Wilkes-Barre from Doylestown in the autumn of 1785, where he opened an inn and a store.
In his day war was being waged between Connecticut settlers and Pennsylvania claimants, both sides claiming title to the same tract of land. Process growing out of these troubles had to be served by Sheriff Fell, and he did his work so diplomatically as to win the respect of both sides.
Judge Fell was also appointed by Governor Mifflin the lieutenant of the county. He was afterwards appointed by the governor, inspector of the Luzerne County Militia.
Governor Mifflin also appointed Judge Fell associate judge in February, 1798. . This position he filled with dignity for thirty-two years until the day of his death.
At that time Fell placed much of his property for sale : " Tavern For Sale - known by the Sign of the Buck, in town of Wilkesbarre, occupied by the subscriber for ten years past. The house contains 10 rooms, 6 fireplaces, besides 3 entries and garrets; a good cellar under the house, and excellent well of never ailing water at the kitchen door. A good frame barn 38 feet 28. And frame shed and stable 30 feet by 20, and other out buildings. Also Sawmill and land and 1000 acres wood land."
Capt. Jabez Fish, age 59,
Susannah Dana, age 25, wife
Children include Anna , 17; Marie, 2; Jabez, Jr., 1
Born at Groton, Connecticut, Jabez Fish, a farmer, was a Revolutionary soldier who took part in the Battle of Wyoming and had suffered great hardships at the hands of the Pennamites. After his first Sarah Avery died in 1796, he married Susanna Dana , a daughter of Anderson Dana who died at the battle of Wyoming. Children with Susanna include Marie, 2; Jabez, Jr., 1; and daughters Diantha born in 1801 and Lemira born in 1803.
The Fish's homestead was at the river bank near South street with their considerable owned farmland located beyond South street.
In 1809 the Fish's moved to Sheshequin in Bradford County. Much of their Wilkes-Barre properties were then owned by their son-in-law Zebulon Butler.
Jabez died at Sheshequin in 1814 at age 73.
Jonathan Hancock, age 33
Martha Young, age 37
Children include John, 9; Catherine, 7; James, 6; Mary (Polly), 4; Martha, 2; and William, newborn.
(Tavern Keeper, Mail carrier/Post Rider)
Born Snowhill, Maryland, Jonathan Hancock came to Wilkes-Barre in 1791 from Dauphin County where he taught school and married Martha Young. In May 1792 Hancock purchased an acre of land in Wilkes-Barre, having a frontage comprising a good portion of the north side of Centre (Public) Square and the corner at North Main street. A frame dwelling-house was situated halfway between Main and Centre (Market) streets, with a stable and a smith's shop. Hancock immediately leased the dwelling to John P. Schott who opened a tavern and began to erect a frame building at the corner of North Main street and the Square. In the following November, before the building was completed, Hancock sold the entire property to Thomas Duane of Kingston who then took over Schott's tavern.
After the building at the Main street corner was completed Duane leased it to Hancock who in 1798 advertised in Wilkes-Barre Gazette & Luzerne Advertiser: "The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and public in general that he still continues his House of Public entertainment in Wilkesbarre at the usual place."
In 1800, Jonathan Hancock was also the post rider who carried the mail between Wilkes-Barre and Berwick.
Jacob Hart, Esq., about 35
Agnes, wife, 33
Children include William, 8.
(county recorder of deeds, farmer)
Jacob Hart and his family came to Wilkes-Barre from Lancaster County about 1893. He was a farmer. His property was located on the south side of Northampton street just east of Main street, almost across from Jesse Fell's. In January 1800 he was appointed Recorder of Deeds of Luzerne County in place of Lord Butler.
Oliver Helme, age 29
Cynthia Beach, wife, 21
Children include Myron, 2; Sarah, newborn
(chair maker, house painter)
Born South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, Oliver Helme came to Wilkes-Barre and in April 1798 informed "the public, that he is about to commence chair making and house painting business". In 1800 he resided in Kingston Township for a short period.
Joseph Hitchcock, age 34
Hannah Platt, wife, age 25
(builder, architect)
Born Bolton, Connecticut, Hitchcock came to Wilkes-Barre about 1797 to better his fortunes. An architect and builder, he planned and built many of the public buildings which were erected in the towns lying along the Susquehanna. His wife was Hannah Platt of Oswego, New York.
In early 1800 Hitchcock became the principal architect and builder of the new Meeting House on the Square and in December 1800 was contracted "to build and complete in the best manner" a courthouse in the town of Wilkes-Barre. He also built the mission church at Forty Fort.
Matthias Hollenback, 48
Sarah Burritt Hibbard, wife, 49
Children at home include Eleanor, 12; Sarah, 11; George, 9
(merchant, landowner)
Born Jonestown, in Lancaster (now Lebanon) County, Pennsylvania, Matthias Hollenback, the second son of John Hollenback and Eleanor Jones, came to Wyoming Valley in 1770, settling in Wilkes-Barre in 1774 on land now on the west side of Public Square." Later, in 1881/82 he built a large frame house for a combined store and dwelling on South Main Street.
Hollenback was appointed ensign in the Continental Army and fought in the battles of Millstone, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine and Wyoming, and was later several times appointed on special commissions by General Washington. After the local battle of Wyoming he narrowly escaped massacre, being pursued by the Indians and escaping by swimming the river. He grew in importance to his county after the war as merchant and land owner, serving as justice of the peace, judge of common pleas and associate judge for the thirty-eight years, and he was first treasurer of Luzerne County and burgess of Wilkes-Barre. In 1787 he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel 1st Battalion Luzerne County Militia, was reelected in 1792 and in 1793.
Hollenback married Sarah Burritt Hibbard Sarah Burritt Hibbard, daughter of Peleg Buirritt and Elizabeth Blackleach, and widow of Cyprian Hibbard who died at the Battle of Wyoming and helped raise her infant daughter Hannah who married John Alexander of Carlisle in July 1798;
Daughter Mary Ann, age 17, had married Welmar Godfred Deshong July 1799 in Forty Fort.
John Hollenback, age 25
Matthias Hollenback, 21, brother
Born in Martinsburg, West Virginia, John Hollenback came to Wilkes-Barre with his parents Johnn Hollenback anf Hannah Barton. Father died in 1897. He had been engaged for his uncle, Mathias Hollenback, in trade along the river since 1796.
Naphtali Hurlbut, age 33
Olive Smith, 33
Children include Asseneth, 6, Lyman, 2
Born Groton , New London , Connecticut, came to Wyoming with parents Son of John Hurlbut and Abigail Avery, in 1788. In 1793 Married Olive Smith Olive Smith, a native of Lyme, Connecticut, and a daughter of Dr. William Hooker Smith. In the fall of 1799 he had a public house " where entertainment may be had for Man and Horse" , leased from Thomas Wright on Bank (River) street at the north corner of Centre (Market). Kept until 1801 when he moved to Wyoming for a short period.
Jehoiada P Johnson, age 33
Mary Giddings Johnson, mother, 70
Christiana, sister, 31.
(poormaster, landowner)
Born Wallingford, Connecticut, Jehoiada was the son of Rev. Jacob Johnson and Mary Giddings. Died January 8, 1830. Jehoiada was a child of only five years when his father in 1772 located in Wilkes-Barre as first settled pastor of the frontier settlement.
Johnson lived with his mother Mary, age 70, at the family home on the corner of Union and River streets. His father had died March 15, 1897.
Jacob Johnson, age 33
Anna Bailey
Children include Mary, 2; and Lydia
Born Groton, Conn, Jacob Williamson Johnson was the son of Rev. Jacob Johnson and brother to Jehoiada. He and his family lived in a log house which stood at the southeast corner of the present Main and Union Street, on land he obtained from his father.
He died at his home, corner of Union and Main Streets. May 22, 1807, and his wife died there September 2. 1807.
Solomon Johnson
Lucretia, wife
Solomon Johnson was said to be an eccentric character. He was a spiritualist. He had periodical trances and visions of coming events, which he gave to the world through the Luzerne Federalist. He also published some "Commentaries" upon the Bible.
In May 1806 he advertised "If the Public will subscribe a sum sufficient to build a Meeting House, 40 feet by 50, for the use of the Methodist Society, I hereby offer to give sixty-six feet square of land on the corner of Franklin and Union Streets on which to place it."
In February 1808 another advertisement appeared: "Caution - Whereas my wife, Lucretia Johnson, has left my bed and board without any just cause, I do hereby for the last time caution all persons not to trust her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date."
Johnson died in December 1808
Asher Miner, age 22
Polly (Mary) Wright, age 20
Born Norwich, Connecticut, Asher was the son of eldest son of Seth and Anna (Charlton) Miner newly married to Polly Wright, Thomas and Mary Wright's only daughter. Asher came to Wilkes-Barre in 1899 and opened a school on the east side of the Square. In his school he undertook "to instruct youth in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and English Grammar" asserting that "Proper attention will be paid to the Morals and Manners of those committed to his care."
Asher also assisted less than a year with his brother-in-law Joshua Wright on the Wilkes-Barre Gazette, when he founded the Luzerne County Federalist, the first issue being published January 5, 1801. His brother Charles Miner who came to Wilkes-Barre in 1801 at his invitation, and taught school for a bit, became his partner in its proprietorship in April 1802, under the firm name of A. & C. Miner, which was dissolved in 1804, by the sale of the whole interest in the enterprise to Charles. On the sale of the Federalist to his brother, Asher Miner moved to Doylestown, Bucks county, and established there the Pennsylvania Correspondent and Farmers' Advertiser, the first number of which appeared July 7, 1804.
Enoch Ogden, age 24
Lovisa Davis, age 23
Children include Mary Ann, 3
Born 1776, New Jersey, Enoch Ogden was a shoemaker on east side Centre (Market) street near Square. Died April 19, 1814. Wife was Lovisa, daughter of Joseph Davis and Obedience Sperry, born 1777 in Great Barrington, Berkshire County, Massachusetts.
Nathan Palmer, age 31
Jerusha, wife, 33
Children include Ann B., 10; Strange Nathan, 8; Sterne, 4; John, 9; Volney B. ; Eliza, 4; Laura, 3
( lawyer, prothonotary, and clerk of the Courts).
Born Windham, Windham, Connecticut, Nathan Palmer was the son of Elihu Palmer and Lois Foster. He and his wife migrated from Canterbury, Connectict to Wilkes-Barre on horseback in 1994 where he was admitted to the Luzerne County bar
On January 8, 1800, he was appointed by Governor McKean prothonotary, and clerk of the Courts of Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Orphans' Court, for the term of three years.
His wife was Jerusha, daughter of John and Elizabeth Newcomb Barstow, of Canterbury, Connecticut
Palmer lived on the corner of Main and Northampton streets.
Benjamin Perry, age 28
Mary Ingham, wife, age 25
Born in Philadelphia, Benjamin Perry and his brother Thomas Mifflin Perry were associates of Matthias Hollenback. Thomas was apprenticed to Col. Hollenback "to learn the 'art and mystery of mercantile business'". In 1793 at age 16 he was sent up the Susquehanna river from Wilkes-Barre by Col. Hollenbeck with the first stock of goods ever sent into the Chemung Valley as far as Newtown (later Elmira) and established a store there in partnership with Hollenback. At that time goods were brought from Philadelphia to Wilkes-Barre and then transported by boat to Newtown, Any goods received in trade such as furs, were transported back.
Benjamin Perry, came to Wilkes-Barre as early as 1794 and in January 1795 purchased half of Lot 36 situated at the north east corner of Main and Union streets. In 1796 he purchased additional land in Wilkes-Barre, Hanover and Newport. Supplying goods from Philadelphia to his brother's store at Newtown, in about 1800 Benjamin became a partner the store at Newtown (Elmira) and it became known as the Perry Brothers store. In November 1800 Benjamin Perry opened a store at Wilkes-Barre "consisting of a general assortment of merchandise for the season".
In October 1799 Perry married Mary Ingham, daughter of Jonas Ingham and Elizabeth Beaumont of Wyalusing. Jonas Ingham, a clothier, was an ingenious mechanic and had invented the machine for shearing cloth.
William Russell, age 27
William Russell, a potter, was the son of William Russell and Mehitable Cowen. In 1801 he married Christiana Olive, daughter of Jacob Johnson. Russell, had a pottery on River street below Union for many years. He died July 10, 1829, age 56. Christiana Olive died Jan. 16, 1830, no children.
Isaac D. Tripp, age 57
Martha Wall, 55
Born East Greenwich, Rhode Island, Isaac Dow Tripp, a farmer, was the brother of Ruth Tripp Slocum, mother of Frances Slocum. Their parents were Isaac Tripp and Sarah Dow who farmed at Capouse Meadows which was part of Providence. Isaac Tripp and his family only lived in Wilkes-Barre for a short period, mainly farming at Providence.
He died in Providence in 1807. Martha died in 1809.
Capt. Stephen Tuttle, age 65
Lydia Lyman, wife, 62
Born Torrington, Connecticut, Stephen Tuttle, son of Captain Stephen Tuttle of Fishkill, New York, came to Wilkes-Barre in 1785 purchasing a half share from John Franklin. Appointed first jailor of Luzerne county in 1791 when the jail was first floor of the log court house. Wife place cake and beer sign over the door. Sold cakes and beer.
Daughter Sally, age 41, married Elijah Bennett and lived in New York. Daughter Aurelia, 36, married to Doctor Matthew Covell.
Stephen Tuttle Jr., age 27, who married Mary Ann McKerachan, kept stores for Matthias Hollenback.
Stephen Tuttle, Sr., died at Wilkesbarre, in 1809. His wife Lydia, survived him many years, and died at Elmira March 1824, age 86. Sally Bennett died at Fishkill Landing, N. Y
Gen. William Ross, age 39
Elizabeth Sterling, wife 32
Children include Sarah, 7; Caroline Ann, 3; Eliza Irene, 1
(farmer, landowner, Justice of Peace)
Born in Scotland Parish, Windham, Connecticut, William Ross was the son of Jeremiah Ross and Ann Paine. The Ross's came to Wyoming in the early part of 1774. After the Massacre of Wyoming where his two elder brothers, Perrin and Jeremiah, were killed, the remainder of the family fled. All except his mother and sister Sarah returned with Capt. Spalding to Wyoming in the following August, 1778 where they settled in the Wilkes-Barre Fort.
William Ross took part in the Pennamite and Yankee Wars and in August 1784 was arrested and jailed. Later, in more peaceable times, Mr. Ross joined the militia of Pennsylvania, and in June, 1788, was captain of a company located at Wilkes-Barre. This company, with three others, including a troop of cavalry under Capt. J. P. Schott, were ordered out on the 27th of June, when Col. Pickering was abducted for the purpose of rescuing him. In the pursuit, Capt. Ross, with fifteen of his company, in ascending the east bank of the Susquehanna, near Meshoppen, encountered a party of Yankees under the head of Gidean Dudley. In the action which ensued, Capt. Ross was hit by a ball which passed through his body. He was removed to Wilkes-Barre, where he slowly recovered. In recognition of his services on this occasion, he was presented by the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth with a handsome sword.
In 1789-90 Mr. Ross was captain of the Third Company of the First Battalion of Luzerne county militia, commanded by Lieut. Col. Matthias Hollenbeck, and in 1790 was elected one of the first justices of the peace for the Second District of Luzerne county.
Ross married Elizabeth Sterling , daughter of Samuel Sterling and Elizabeth Perkins, in October 1790 in Lyme, New London Co, Connecticut.
On the first of September, 1791, he was appointed for " the district of Wilkes-Barre " justice of the peace by Governor Mifflin.
He purchased the Pickering home and farm on Main street for his residence.
As justice of peace performed many weddings.
In 1800 he was appointed brigade inspector of the 2d Brigade, composed of the militia of the counties of Northumberland, Lycoming, and Luzerne, to hold office for seven years from the date of his commission (Apr. 25, 1800). The same day he was appointed brigadier general of the same brigade, an office which he still held in 1812.
Capt. John Schott, age 56
Naomi Sill, wife, age 46Children include John, Jr., 18; James, 16; George, 14; Charlotte, 12
(storekeeper, Justice of Peace)
Born Berlin, Germany, John Paul Schott was a professional soldier who came to America in 1775 to offered his services to the American cause. He was appointed Captain in the Continental army and was with Sullivan's army marched from Wilkes-Barre July 1779. Upon its return the following October Captain Schott and his corps were left behind to assist in garrisoning the fort. It was then he became determined to make Wilkes-Barre his permanent home.
In 1780, he purchase lot No. 33 which bounded the side of Centre Square in the town plot of Wilkes-Barre and married Naomi Sill, daughter of Jabez Sill. In 1782 he purchased from the estate of his father-in-law the north-west corner of Lot1 where he built "the old red house" where he kept a public inn and later a store. In December 1786 he were appointed by the Susquehanna Company at its meeting in Hartford, Connecticut, a commissioner to ascertain the rights of the proprietors in and reduce to a certainty the claims of the settlers under the company and in May, 1788, he raised in Wilkes-Barre a "Troop of Light Dragoons," numbering forty-two men and was elected Commander, with Lord Butler First Lieutenant, Rosewell Welles, Second Lieutenant, and Ebenezer Bowman, Cornet. In December 1790, Captain Schott was appointed by Governor Mifflin a Justice of the Peace for Wilkes-Barre, to serve during good behavior. In early 1792 Schott opened a public house on the north side of Centre, or Public Square, and about halfway between Main and Market streets, in a house and stable leased from Jonathan Hancock. This he kept until the Fall of 1793, when Thomas Duane, of Kingston, who had purchased the property, moved in. Schott moved to a new building just erected on the east side of North Main street, very near the north east corner of the Public Square. It was a large frame house of two stories, and in it for a number of years Captain Schott resided and also carried on a store for the sale of general merchandise. He also kept in this building for some time a tavern, or "house of entertainment" as he denominated it in an advertisement to the public December 24th, 1803, and the meetings of Lodge 61 were held there for more than seven years. Captain Schott occupied this property until February, 1804, when he sold it to George Griffin, Esq. In 1802 Captain Schott was, with Rosewell Welles, Esq., a candidate for the State Legislature, but was defeated. In the Summer of 1804 he moved to Philadelphia, where he received an appointment as one of the inspectors of customs in the U. S. Custom House.
Schott died July 29, 1829. in the 85th year of his age.
Joseph Slocum, age 23
Sarah Fell, age 19
(blacksmith, farmer)
Born Warwick Township, Rhode Island Joseph Slocum was only an infant when he came to Wilkes-Barre with his parents in the autumn of 1777. It was he who, when his sister Frances was captured by the Indians, was snatched up by his sister Mary and carried away to a place of safety. Son of Jonathan Slocum and Ruth Tripp.His blacksmith shop was on the west side of Main Street just north of Union. He was married newly married to Sarah daughter of Judge Jesse and Hannah (Welding) Fell. Their home was the north-east corner of Union and Main Streets.
Jonathan Slocum, 22
Martha Underwood, 24
Jonathan Slocum was the son of Jonathan Slocum and Ruth Tripp. He was the baby spoken of in the story of Frances Slocum who was captured by the Indians.
Married at Plainfield, Connecticut, Slocum's wife was married Martha Underwood, daughter of Israel Underwood and Dorothy Benjamin.
Rosewell Welles, Esq., age 39
Wife Hannah Butler, age 30
Children include Harriet, 9
(lawyer, State militia commander, former State Legislature representative.)
Born in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Rosewell Welles graduated at Yale College in 1784, and then taught school and studied law at West Hartford, Conn. He settled in Wilkes-Barre in 1786 where he was admitted to the Luzerne County bar when the county was organized on May 27, 1787. In 1788 he married, Hannah, only daughter of Colonel Zebulon and Anna (Lord) Butler and resided on Lot 1, situated on the north east corner of Front (River) and South street in a large frame house that was built to replace the log home of Jabez Sill, the original owner.
On April 26, 1793, was appointed one of the associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County until February, 1798, when he resigned, and was succeeded by Hon. Jesse Fell.. About 1800 he commanded a regiment of State Militia. He also represented Luzerne County in the State Legislature in 1797-98 and in 1802, '04, '05, and '06. In December, 1820, Governor Findley appointed him a Justice of the Peace for Wilkes-Barre, He was a Free Mason, but not a member of Lodge No. 61. He died, March 19th, 1830.
Thomas Wright, age 52
Mary Dyer, age 60
Children include Thomas, Jr., age 18
(county commissioner, landowner/speculator, mill owner)
Born in County Down, Ireland, Thomas Wright was one of the wealthiest men in Wilkes-Barre in 1800. He his brothers Joseph and William had immigrated to America about 1763 and settled in Doylestown where he taught school and married Mary, daughter of Quakers Josiah and Hester Browne Dyer. Moving to Wilkes-Barre in 1785, he located his home about two miles north-east of the village where in 1795 he built a mill at what became known as Wrightsville. In 1800 his home and office was on Bank street (now River) north of Centre (now Market). Over the years he a dealer in real estate, buying, improving, then leasing or sell a great deal of land in the area which he improved with including farms, grist mills, saw mills, forges, distilleries, houses, taverns, etc., and became quite wealthy. Lumber business He was one of the commissioners (1798, 1800) of Luzerne county.
Josiah Wright, age 24
Anna Fish, wife, age 17
(newspaper publisher)
Born in Dyerstown, Bucks County, Josiah was the son of Thomas Wright and Mary Dyer. He came to Wilkes-Barre with his parents in 1785 and was publisher of the Wilkes Barre Gazette & Luzerne Advertiser, the area 's only newspaper owned by his father. He was newly married to Anna Fish, daughter of Jabez Fish. He was a remarkable mathematician, and a fine penman, and for some time followed the business of Scrivener and Conveyances in Wilkes-Barre. He was a member of Lodge 61 and was elected secretary of the Republican Citizens.
Joseph Wright, Esq
Wife, children, unknown
(justice of peace)
Born in County Down, Ireland, Joseph Wright immigrated to America about 1763 with the brothers Thomas and William Wright, moving to Wilkes-Barre about 1785. In April 1799 he was appointed Justice of the Peace and afterwards performed many marriages.
William Wright, age 50
Sarah Ann Osborne
Thomas; Hannah; Mary; Susan, 14; William, 11; Benjamin, 1; Joseph, newborn.
Born in County of Down, Ireland, William Wright came to America in 1763, with his brothers Joseph and Thomas. He had been was a soldier in the Revolutionary army. In 1783 at age 32 he married Sarah Ann Osborn. a Quaker, in Philadelphia. He afterwards settled in Wilkes-Barre and taught school. He lived at the north-west corner of Main and Union streets.
Wright's eldest daughter Susan was newly married to Benjamin Drake, a blacksmith.
Abel Yarrington, age 60
Rebecca Keezer, 58
Children at home include Luther, 20.
(County Coroner, ferryman)
Abel Yarrington came to Wyoming from Stonington, Connecticut in 1772, with his wife and three children Lucinda, John, and Peter.
From 1790 to 1793, and from 1795 to 1801, he was coroner of Luzerne county, and for several years he was treasurer of the county, collector of taxes and keeper of the Wilkes-Barre and Kingston ferry. He had also kept one of the first taverns, located just north of the ferry landing.
Rebecca died March 1808
Peter Yarrington, age 30
Born Stonington, New London, Connecticut, Peter Yarrington, son of Abel and Rebecca Yarrington, came to Wilkes-Barre in 1772 with his parents. His blacksmith's shop was located on Bank (River) street between Northampton and Centre (Market) streets near the homes of Abel Yarrington and Arnold Colt. He was a member of the Wyoming Blues.
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